Master Biologie Végétale

Master 2 - PMIP

Objectifs :

Le Master 2 “PMIP” "Plant - Microbe Interaction for Plant Health" s'adresse aux étudiants souhaitant obtenir une formation internationale de haut niveau dans les domaines à l’interface entre la microbiologie et la biologie végétale que ce soit sur des aspects fondamentaux ou appliqués. Ce parcours commun aux deux mentions de master Microbiologie et Biologie Végétale accueille des étudiants provenant soit du M1 Biologie Végétale, soit du M1 Microbiologie qui auront suivi les enseignements adéquats leur permettant ainsi de suivre les enseignements du M2. L'obtention du M2 PMIP permet aux étudiants de s'insérer directement dans la vie active ou de poursuivre en thèse de doctorat.
L'enseignement proposé dans cette 2ème année de Master reste volontairement pluridisciplinaire, associant une solide connaissance du végétal comme des microbes, de leurs particularités physiologiques et développementales, et de ses potentialités d'utilisation et de valorisation, à l'interface Plantes-Microbes (biotechnologies, phytochimie, amélioration des cultures, ...). Il apporte en outre une connaissance solide des outils et techniques permettant d'appréhender les concepts développés afin de préparer au mieux les étudiants pour leur stage de fin d'étude.
Le M2 PMIP est ouvert aux étudiants ayant acquis 60 crédits du Master 1 BV ou Microbio (si les prérequis scientifiques sont atteints). Un accès direct en M2 est également possible, dans la limite des places disponibles, pour les étudiants ayant validé 240 crédits d'une autre Université française ou étrangère. Dans tous les cas, les candidats seront sélectionnés sur examen de leur dossier académique, et éventuellement un entretien avec le jury de la spécialité.

Offre de Formation :

La formation M2 PMIP comporte des UE mutualisées avec le parcours M2 PHYTO mais aussi des UE communes avec le parcours M2 MMPEM du Master Microbiologie. L’ensemble des enseignements est dispensé en Anglais.

Organisation des enseignements en 2ème année du Master BV parcours PMIP :

(* = enseignements portés par le Master Microbiologie)

UE "Metabolic fluxes” (METAFLUX - 3 ECTS - UE en Anglais) :

Lectures and applied courses are dealing on the integration of primary and specialized metabolism in plants in a temporal dimension (fluxomic). This will require addressing the different indirect methodologies to measure real speed metabolic reactions in the integral biological system (intracellular flow, intratissular). For this purpose, the following points will be addressed
- Isotopic labelling strategies (13C, 18O, etc…)
- Detailed Isotopomeres analysis and isotope incorporation into metabolites by NMR and mass spectrometry
- Metabolic flux maps and metabolic networks

UE "Phytobiome and Plant Health” (PHYPHEA - 3 ECTS - UE en Anglais) :

This course deals with the notions of microbiome and holobiont in the specific context of plants (phytobiome) and addresses the influence of the environment on the health of plants and their associated microbiota. The following points will be addressed
- How the plant organism is able to influence its microbiota, both in terms of composition and functioning.
- What is the impact of the microbiota on the functioning of the plant
- Influence of this cooperative behavior on the ability to respond to environmental stresses

UE "Plant Microorganism interactions” (PMI - 3 ECTS - UE en Anglais) :

A series of lectures are given by researchers exposing to the students the latest developments in their field of research work. These conferences cover the interactions between microorganisms (bacteria, fungi or oomycetes and their host plants. The molecular mechanisms of positive interactions (symbiosis, mutualism) or harmful interactions (pathogenicity) are detailed.

UE "Applied Integrative Biology” (AIB - 3 ECTS - UE en Anglais) :

Training courses dedicated to the integrative analysis of multi-omics datasets obtained by different scientific experts working in the area of plant-microbe interactions.

UE "Scientific Watch for Plant Health” (SWPH - 3ECTS - UE en Anglais) :

The objective of this course is to provide students with the basis for reflection on which the strategic approaches implemented in research, whether fundamental or applied, public or industrial, are based. This course will be composed of an important part of scientific seminars conducted by researchers from both the public and private sectors. In addition, the students will have to produce a scientific survey on the basis of an innovative or prospective topic and they will have to establish a correlation with the scientific seminars they have attended.

UE "Scientific Communication” (SCO - 6ECTS - UE en Anglais) :

The course includes lectures and practical sessions on the different dimensions of oral, displayed and written scientific communication. The aim of this course is to enable students to understand the different stages of the process of designing, preparing and producing a relevant and impactful scientific communication according to the different media. This course prepares students for the bibliographic and experimental reports required in the framework of the Master 2 programme, as well as for the oral defense of experimental work at the end of the Master 2 program.

UE "Plant Pests Interactions” (PPI - 3 ECTS - UE en Anglais) :

A series of lectures are given by researchers exposing to the students the latest developments in their field of research work. These conferences cover the interactions between plants and different pests (insects, nematodes, viruses and parasitic plants).

UE “Techniques for Integrative Biology” (TIB - 6 ECTS - UE en Anglais) :

Integrative biology is an interesting and innovative approach to understand the functioning of plant organisms considered as systems and apprehended in their entirety by integrating the different biological compartments. "Omic" approaches offer the possibility to explore without preconceived ideas the biological processes existing at the different scales of plant organisms. Nevertheless, in addition to the intellectual challenge of understanding the complexity of living organisms in their wholeness, there is a major technical challenge for data acquisition, exploitation and integration. This course will present the different "omics" techniques implemented for plant organisms (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, fluxomics, interactomics, phenomenomics...) allowing data acquisition and integration.

UE "Anglais/ langue” :

Cette UE a pour objectif d'atteindre au minimum le niveau B2 dans le Cadre Européen Commun de Référence.

UE "Project in Industry or Academic Lab” (PIA - 27 ECTS) :

The academic or industrial project takes the form of a 5-month internship under the responsibility of an internship supervisor whose designation is validated by the master's pedagogical committee. The student is integrated into a team in which he/she develops the problematic that has been entrusted to him/her. This project can have two different objectives. A fundamental research objective aimed at preparing the student to pursue a doctoral degree and a more applied research objective aimed at leading to the professionalization of the student at the end of his/her degree. The project is evaluated on the basis of a scientific report and an oral presentation. An important part of the evaluation is based on the relevance of the answers provided to the jury's questions: mastering of the concepts and methods used, justification of the scientific approach, ability to analyze the experimental results, perspectives envisaged, ....


La campagne de recrutement pour le Master Biologie Végétale de Lyon se déroulera suivant le calendrier suivant :

- Date d’ouverture des candidatures sur eCandidat ( : à determiner

- Date de clôture des candidatures sur eCandidat ( : à determiner

- Examen des candidatures : à determiner

- Date de notification de la réponse aux candidats : à determiner
resultats consultables via la plateforme eCandidat

- Date indicative butoir pour accepter ou refuser la proposition de formation : debut juillet pour les étudiants acceptés en liste principale
acceptation ou refus à effectuer exclusivement via la plateforme eCandidat