The Plant Biology Master's Program at the University of Lyon is an undifferentiated Master's degree, both Professional and Research, which has the particularity of preserving the multidisciplinary aspect as much as possible, thus allowing students to move into various scientific fields and with diverse industrial outlets.
It leads graduates to a very high level of competence in the various disciplines that make up the programme. Moreover, the importance given to internships in the first and second years as well as to specialised teaching and conferences given by researchers from the industrial and academic sectors as well as personalities contribute to making the students who graduate from this highly sought-after programme immediately operational in the corresponding sectors of activity. The dual aim of this programme is to enable students either to enter directly into working life or to pursue a doctoral thesis.
The opportunities concern the public research sectors (CNRS, Universities, INRA, CIRAD, etc.) and the private sector (agri-food industry, agrochemistry, cosmetics, health, environment, etc.). Graduates will work as engineers or in similar positions (study engineer, project manager, R&D engineer, etc.). Students wishing to take part in doctoral school competitions can also pursue a doctoral thesis.

This Program, which is both specialised in the field of plants and versatile in terms of the technologies it covers, will therefore be of interest to a wide variety of sectors of activity throughout France, and even in European countries, where we regularly send students. For more than 15 years, we have been able to note the very good attractiveness of the training as attested by the hiring of students on fixed-term or permanent contracts even before the end of their training or the excellent success of these students in the doctoral school examinations for those wishing to continue with a doctoral thesis. This testifies to the general quality of this training, which is very well perceived by academic research laboratories as well as by companies and industrialists in the sectors concerned.