The training program is organised over 2 years. The 1st year (M1) offers common courses to all students. During the 2nd year (M2), students may choose between a French-language general program (PLANT-Science / Resources) and a full English-language program (PMIP) with an international perspective and focused on Plant-Microbe Interaction for Plant Health.
For both programs, the Research or Professional option will be determined by the choice of the Internship during the second year as well as an optional Teaching Unit selected in the Plant Resources/Science program.
This multi-purpose program, based on a diversity of scientific disciplines aims at giving students a scientific background focused on a central point: THE PLANT.
Courses structure during the first year :

Courses structure during the second year (PHYTO) :

Courses structure during the second year (PMIP) :

Application / admission terms and conditions:
Students can apply to M1:
- After validating a Biology Bachelor’s Degree (Université Lyon1 cursus : Plant Science, Biochemistry, Biosciences, Cellular Genetics and Biology, Physiology, Biodiversity Sciences) or a corresponding Bachelor’s Degree from another University.
- When justifying 180 ECTS obtained in the scientific fields corresponding to the program expectations
In all cases, the Admission Committee will pay close attention to the applicants’ academic background, especially to the results obtained in the fields related to Plant sciences.
Students can apply to M2
- After validating their 1st year within the PB Master’s program
- When validating 240 ECTS in the relevant scientific fields (obtained within Lyon1 University or another European University) after receiving favourable opinion from the Admission Committee and decision from the University President. Professionals can apply to M2
- After validating a 1st year Master’s Degree in the relevant scientific fields or qualifying for a Validation of Prior Field Experience (VAP) or Validation of Acquired Knowledge (VAE).
In accordance with the University decisions (voted by the CEVU on January 13, 2009 and by the CA on February 3, 2009), the level of French language required for admission is TCF© level 4, corresponding to DELF B2
The maximum capacity in M1 is 20 students / year. The M2 capacity is 20 students for the PHYTO program and 15 for the PMIP program
Examination terms and conditions:
The conditions for Teaching Unit validations and the compensation procedures that are applied are the ones voted each year by the University relevant Councils.
Each Teaching Unit is acquired for every student that obtains an overall final mark equal to or greater than 10/20. This mark gives them the number of ECTS credits allocated to the Teaching Unit, which is definitively acquired.
The overall average is weighted and prorated to the number of ECTS in each Teaching Unit.
The 1st semester examination in M2 will focus on theoretical and practical knowledge, through different aspects, including the conception and production of supervised personal projects.
The internship completed within the Project in Industry or Academic Lab will be submitted to a dissertation and an oral defence that will be evaluated by a board of examiners.